A System of Personality Typing Our personality type is a key element in the process of raising our level of consciousness because it is one of two lenses through which we view life. The first lens is our conditioning from birth to the present moment. The second lens is our personality type. When these two lenses are overlaid we begin to understand clearly our view of life and why we react to our environment and other people as we do. The Enneagram is an age old system of personality typing that identifies nine different types. Each of us is born with one of these core types; it is not environmental or genetic. Within any nuclear family unit it is likely that all members have a different Enneatype. Occasionally I have seen two of the same type in a family unit. The presence of different types is the reason each member reacts unlike the other members to various situations, people, and experiences. The differences we see in sibling groups is not due to birth order. Rather, it is the Enneatype that clearly explains why one individual is different from another. Hence, there are basically nine world views, or ways of being in the world. As we become familiar with our Enneatype we begin to clearly understand why we act in certain ways and have various preferences and attitudes. In fact, we are born 'hard wired' to react in certain ways to incoming stimuli. The purpose of the Enneagram is to see what is behind our reactivity and to move toward the ability to choose a more skillful response in difficult situations. In other words, we do not want to be the unconscious victim of our Enneatype; rather we want to bring our type to full consciousness so that we can respond in the best way possible to any situation. The Enneagram is also very useful in understanding, and therefore being able to change, difficult relationship dynamics in our life. The importance of the Enneagram becomes even greater when we bring Regression Therapy into the overall picture. I have come to know, through asking various spirit guides in the Spirit World, that our Enneatype remains the same over eons. Therefore, the task of overcoming the downside of our personality type becomes even more imperative when we look at increasing our level of consciousness. We literally can be controlled in a negative way by the downside of our personality. There are no good types or bad types. Each has its core issues to overcome. Each has its benefits. Each type has a healthiness index within that type. Our work is to become healthy within our core type. On The Enneagram Types page, I give a basic description of each personality type with a list of several excellent books that will give you a more in-depth discussion of how the Enneagram works. Continue to The Enneagram
Personality Types 